Its a Trap!

“Do not enter the path of the wicked, And do not go the way of evil men. 15Avoid it, do not travel on it; Turn away from it and pass on. 16For the wicked cannot sleep unless they do evil; And they are deprived of sleep unless they make someone stumble and fall. 17For they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence.” Proverbs 4: 14-17 AMP

King Solomon warns the young not to be deceived by the lure of the wicked. The word “enter here is the Hebrew word meaning to “traveling in a specific direction to a specific point ” It also carries with it the sense of “returning to a point from which on previously departed.” The meaning makes it clear that this isn’t an accidental left turn when one should have turned right. The meaning is that one clearly, knowledgeably, and intentionally choses to commit an act against the law! It reminds us that we should not be returning to the life of sin and self that Christ delivered us from! The Holy Spirit through the Apostle Paul wrote,

“For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of Light [live as those who are native-born to the Light]”

Ephesians 5:8 AMP

The word “enter” clearly refers to the “manner, conduct, or way of life.” In the Greek the translation brings this out also; “to exist and conduct oneself, with a particular manner or behavior.” The book of Titus tells us,

“For we too once were foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various sinful desires and pleasures, spending and wasting our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another.” 

Titus 3:3 AMP

So, what kind of behavior are we not to emulate? The path of the wicked! Again, the word “wicked” here targets specifically those who “live in a state or condition of evil with a focus on transgressing God’s laws or standards.” The verse goes on to say that they are characterized by the obsession to do evil. They cannot rest or be satisfied unless they are engaged in some evil or immoral activity. We can see this clearly in the behaviors we see every day and night on the news. 

The believer who has experienced new life in Christ must do everything to be sure they do not take heed of falling in with sin and sinners. As soon as one makes sense of a mistaken path, they should not take one more step or stay a moment longer but seek to retreat to the forgiveness and safety of the Lord’s shelter! The way of evil men can seem to be a pleasant and fulfilling life but will ultimately end in death.

“There is a way which seems right to a man and appears straight before him, But its end is the way of death.”

Proverbs 14:12 AMP

The enemy would want us to believe that God will not be faithful to His promises so we should take matters into our own hands! Verse 16 and 17 tell us that these men are mischievous that do not care who gets hurt by their actions and even delight in the misery they bring! God encourages us to,

“I counsel you to buy from Me gold that has been heated red hot and refined by fire so that you may become truly rich; and white clothes [representing righteousness] to clothe yourself so that the shame of your nakedness will not be seen; and healing salve to put on your eyes so that you may see.”

Revelation 3:18 AMP

The gold is His Word which refines us to purity. White cloths speaking of our cleaned and forgiven state before God through His Word. And of course, the salve, His Word which opens our eyes to the truth so that we may know Him and His ways!

Have a blessed day, Pastor Ken

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