My Rock!

“But the LORD has become my high tower and defense, And my God the rock of my refuge..” Psalms 94:22 AMP

Today I want to take a few moments to expound on this verse. For the past few months, I have been under a great attack in areas of health, finance, emotions and work. Every day seems to bring new and overwhelming challenges. I feel like I am walking in an endless cave surrounded by darkness, lost in the undefinable path in front me. Wave after wave of thoughts come flooding in reminding me of all the failures of the past. I am reminded of a great song by Twila Paris, The Warrior is a Child. One of the verses says,

“Unafraid because His armor is the best, but even soldiers need a quiet place to rest People say that I’m amazing Never face retreat, but they don’t see the enemies That lay me at His feet”

None of us are exempt from the efforts of the enemy to get our eyes off the cross and onto the reality of this physical life. We have been on this mission for the past 21 years giving up family, friends, houses, and anything else He has required. The days are long and the pressures of work, ministry, and life cam pressing in daily. The psalmist seems to be going through a similar situation!

“If the LORD had not been my help, I would soon have dwelt in [the land of] silence. 18If I say, “My foot has slipped,” Your compassion and lovingkindness, O LORD, will hold me up. 19When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your comforts delight me.” 

Psalms 94:17-19 AMP

The situation in his life seemed so overwhelming that he wanted to end it! We must always remember that as Christians, we always have access to hope! This morning, I received a message from a friend with our opening verse. It hit me like a ton of bricks! “the Lord is my defense…” No matter the situation or circumstance, He is the rock of our refuge. The word refuge there is the Hebrew word meaning “a place of safety.” It was a place where those under attack could retreat not in defeat but rather in a defensive position to be protected! 

Battles are not won by retreat but rather by holding the line! When the battle was raging, Moses got tired and required that others hold up his arms. In doing so, the army was able to sustain the victory! 

Let me remind you today that “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Those are important words to remember in the middle of the battle. Have a blessed day, Pastor Ken

2 thoughts on “My Rock!

  1. Wow. What a message. I’ll be praying for you in this season if attack. Be Blessed my friend.

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