“A [flippant, arrogant] fool rejects his father’s instruction and correction, But he who [is willing to learn and] regards and keeps in mind a reprimand acquires good sense. Proverbs 15:5...
“A soothing tongue [speaking words that build up and encourage] is a tree of life, But a perversive tongue [speaking words that overwhelm and depress] crushes...
“The tongue of the wise speaks knowledge that is pleasing and acceptable, But the [babbling] mouth of fools spouts folly.” Proverbs 15:2 AMP In our Scripture today we...
“A soft and gentle and thoughtful answer turns away wrath, But harsh and painful and careless words stir up anger. Proverbs 15:1 AMP Today we are given so excellent advice when faced with a...
“Leave the presence of a [shortsighted] fool, For you will not find knowledge or hear godly wisdom from his lips.” Proverbs 14:7 AMP I have heard it said...
“A faithful and trustworthy witness will not lie, But a false witness speaks lies.” Proverbs 14:5 AMP Today we read the description of a person who walks in...