Finding Honor and Favor

“Finding Honor and Favor”

November 29, 2022

“So shall you find favor, good understanding, and high esteem in the sight (or judgement) of God and man” Proverbs 3:4 AMP

Millions are spent every year on self-help and motivational seminars. I have news for you…the information can be found for free in the Word of God! The Scripture is clear that if you chose to follow the Lord, honor and favor with man and Himself will follow! There are many examples in the Qword of men and women who choose God over man and themselves. Joseph is a perfect example of a man committed to God. Sold into slavery by his jealous brother, falsely accused and imprisoned, he never lost his faith in God or his example of one who follow the living God. In every situation, Joseph never lost sight of the fact that God was in control. I am sure there were moments of doubt as it seemed things were working out for everyone else but not for himself. Each opportunity he was given elevated him to a higher level until finally he was second in command of all of Egypt. The book of Genesis records the following,

“The LORD was with Joseph, and he [even though a slave] became a successful and prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian.” Genesis 39:2 AMP

The word “favor” in the Hebrew is the word meaning “to take pleasure in something;” “to show kindness to someone;” or “to manifest graciousness toward.” It clearly implies that there is a desire on the part of the giver to do something for the one receiving the gift. I would think that Joseph’s behavior while all the undeserved circumstances were coming his way was more than admirable! Joseph did not get sucked into the “woe is me” attitude but transcended his self-pity with a quiet trust inward that was displayed outward in his trials! Oh that we would have the same perspective on our lives! I love the insight Joseph has realizing that God was at work all those days! Joseph states it clearly,

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present outcome, that many people would be kept alive [as they are this day].” 

Genesis 50:20 AMP

WOW! What a perspective! Hindsight is 20/20 for sure! I remember one day sitting in the King’s living room when suddenly the voice of the Holy Spirit spoke to me; “Now do you understand? Can you see that all the years of practicing as a paramedic has brought you to this house? All the times you complained about not being in ministry “fulltime” was for naught! I have put you here to serve this King and be a light amid the darkness here!” I must say, I was speechless. I remembered all the times I complained about needing to work a job rather than be in ministry full time. It was simply my flesh and selfish desires! I could have avoided wasting a lot of energy and prayers if I would have simply trusted that God knew best! The Scripture is clear,

“For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the LORD, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jerimiah 29:11 AMP

If we want to enter that place of honor and favor then we must follow God through His Word! The promise is true that,

“I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return].” Philippians 1:6 AMP

Let me ask you, are you trusting wholly in God and His plan for your life? I was singing the song “All to Jesus I surrender” when I suddenly realized that there are things which I have not surrendered. Is everything in your hand open for use by the Lord? Your money? Your time, Your home? Your life? I want to encourage you to be still and know the He is God and that as a Christian, we have victory through surrender!

Have a blessed day, Pastor Ken

6 thoughts on “Finding Honor and Favor

  1. Hallelujah! You are right a man of God, my dearest pastor Ken. Faith is a journey.
    God bless you for this appreciated message.
    However, We Win!

  2. Thank you. Gonna take time to digest and meditate on this one. Every time I’ think surrendered something else creeps in.

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