He Founded the Earth

“The LORD by His wisdom has founded the earth; By His understanding He has established the heavens. 20By His knowledge the deeps were broken up And the clouds drip with dew.” Proverbs 3:19-20 AMP

Now here we find every reason in the world to trust God and His infinite wisdom and ways. From the beginning of time, the natural laws of the universe have been unchanged. The unchangeable laws of nature, physics, and mathematics have allowed the advancement of civilization! If you step off the 50thfloor of a building, regardless of if you identify as a balloon, you are heading straight for the ground!

The Hebrew word used here for “founded” is the word meaning to “Establish a firm base; to lay a foundation to build upon; or appoint one to a task or function, with a focus on the authority to do so!” (Dictionary of Biblical Languages with Semantic Domains – Hebrew) 

I love it! God has a foundation upon which the whole of time, space, and matter exist. This proves that He has the authority to do so! Every day we unconsciously accept the realities of the function of the universe. We plug in our phones, we get on airplanes, we ride in elevators. If that be the case, then why is it so difficult for us to walk unconsciously in the Spiritual laws of God? The answer is simple. We know, trust, and experience the physical laws of this world daily but we do not experience the Spiritual laws of God because we do not practice them daily! We get on an airplane because we know it works despite the risk that it could come crashing down from the sky killing everyone. We don’t tithe on our increase because we think that the law of sowing and reaping doesn’t work. Just like the fearful flyer, the only way to overcome the fear God’s failure is to experience the truth of His promises!

The second part of the verse tell us that not only did God found the earth but also established it! The word there means to establish, prove, secure, sustain or arrange; To authenticate something as valid and having legitimate authority with a focus on durability and lastingness of the situation. What a beautiful way to say that God is committed to the sustainability of His promises and principles! Both of these words indicate both thoughtful planning and orderly arrangement of things. Not only has He made ready the way but has committed to see it through. If we citizens of the Kingdom of God, then we should learn to walk by its laws and principles! Our new life demands it form us!

Walking in the newness of life requires us to learn how to yield to the Holy Spirit and respond to the things that the Lord expects us to respond to. It means learning to live by the Kingdom principles rather than trust in this wordily system! It means caring for and serving others with deep, considerate feelings rather than pursuing the natural desires of our own lives. There is today a great tendency to put-off the things of the Spirit as we get more involved in worldly things. As followers of Christ, we must learn to live outside of the worldly system and its ways of thinking. One of my favorite verses is in the book of 2nd Corinthians

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life]” 2 Corinthians 5:17 AMP

Have you learned to live by the Spiritual principles of the Kingdom of God? Are you daily trusting Him more and more experiencing His faithfulness. If we are to win this battle, we must transform out thinking and embrace the Spiritual life that Christ has now given us! Have a Spirit filled day! Pastor Ken

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