Lying Lips

“He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.” +

Proverbs 10:18 KJV

Solomon again hits on the deceiving ways of man. We start today with the word “hideth.” This word in the Hebrew is the word meaning to “not respond with knowledge.” It also means to “keep truth from others, though known and understood by oneself” or to “remove the guilt of wrongdoing, as an extension of hiding or covering the truth.” Man, today must legitimize his sin and its guilt by a process of acceptance. Clearly, he understands the truth but does not respond to moral dilemmas with truth! Truth is absolute. You cannot have two truths about the same issue. If you stick your finger into an electric outlet, you will be shocked! That is reality! A half-truth would be, “If you stick your finger into an electric outlet, you will not be shocked if the current is not flowing!”  That is true but cannot be applied to “every” situation. Satan uses this tactic all the time. In Genesis, Eve was told that “Hat not God said that you can eat from ANY tree in the garden? A half-truth. Yes He did, but He also said “every tree but that one!” We read in the book of Zechariah the following when God calls the people to return to Him for peace and freedom.

“These are the things which you should do: speak the truth with one another; judge with truth and pronounce the judgment that brings peace in [the courts at] your gates. 17And let none of you devise or even imagine evil in your heart against another, and do not love lying or half-truths; for all these things I hate,’ declares the LORD.” 

Zech. 8:16-17 AMP

WOW! That is some good advice for the judiciary system of today as it twists and perverts its judgements in favor of unrighteousness. The Apostle Paul nailed when he said,

“in [speaking] the word of truth, in the power of God; by the weapons of righteousness for the right hand [like holding the sword to attack] and for the left [like holding the shield to defend], 8amid glory and dishonor; by evil report and good report; branded as deceivers and yet [vindicated as] truthful; “

2 Corinthians 6:7-8 AMP

Christians today are being brand dans a danger and threat to the immoral actions of society. We should be! For we speak the truth which ultimately cuts through all the rhetoric of the unrighteousness of this day. The opening verse gives us this reason for this attack, hatred! The Hebrew word here means to “have a very strong dislike, with accompanying feelings of hostility and accompanying actions of opposition.” Their hatred is their self-judgement of destruction. The book of numbers warns us,

 “If anyone with malice aforethought shoves another or throws something at them intentionally so that they die 21or if out of enmity one person hits another with their fist so that the other dies, that person is to be put to death; that person is a murderer…”

Numbers 35:20-21 NIV

This is why Jesus warned us that if you have hatred toward a brother, you are guilty of murder! Hiding hatred and attempting to mask it as righteousness is a sin of grievous nature. The proverbs says that it makes you a fool! Why? A naïve person does not know the truth, a fool knows that truth and yet disregards its reality! A fool hates knowledge and practices a spot to do mischief to others around them. Hi foolishness will ultimately lead his to a place of ruin and destruction. Today we see a clear manifestation of this as man tries endlessly to cover his hatred of the truth with an allusion of rightness to his sinful ways. But all is not lost! Jesus told us,

“If anyone with malice aforethought shoves another or throws something at them intentionally so that they die 21or if out of enmity one person hits another with their fist so that the other dies, that person is to be put to death; that person is a murderer.”

John 8:20-21 AMP

And what was the response of the rulers? “59So they picked up stones to throw at Him, but Jesus concealed Himself and left the temple.”

John 8:59 AMP

My friends, we are in a battle of great significance. God has called us for a time such as this and we must rise to the occasion and speak the truth in love. Yes, we will be persecuted. Yes, we will be mocked. Yes, some will be imprisoned. But in the end, He wins! Have a blessed ay, Pastor Ken

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