Think Carefully

“The heart of the righteous thinks carefully about how to answer [in a wise and appropriate and timely way], But the [babbling] mouth of the wicked pours out malevolent things.”

Proverbs 15:28 AMP

Our verse today reminds us of the importance of carefully weighing the issues before pronouncing our opinion. Notice again that the source of the intentional response is what is in the heart!  The King James Version uses the words, “the ear that hears” to define the Hebrew used here. Both translations bring out the word’s meaning clearly. The actual word used is “hears.” It means to “To receive information about something; To submit to an authority and so do what is being asked or required; To comprehend information or a situation.” This process is truly a mark on and individual walking in humility! Pride causes us to quickly throw our opinion around as fact while, in reality, it may be fiction! I remember my high school days learning about debate. There were rules that needed to be followed in order to present a legitimate defense of an argument. Debates were won or lost on the amount of preparation and adherence to the rules! It seems like to day facts are to only thing missing when people are trying to prove their point!  God has given us the capacity to think and reason. I love the call of God,

““Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be like wool.”

Isaiah 1:198 AMP

Anyone with any common sense would accept God’s offer of forgiveness if they rationally though through the issue. “Would I rather be punished or forgiven? Hummmmm……let me think about that!” The second part of the verse tells us to “answer [in a wise and appropriate and timely way].” There is a great verse in the book of Proverbs that drives home this point;

“Even a [callous, arrogant] fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; When he closes his lips he is regarded as sensible (prudent, discreet) and a man of understanding.”

Proverbs 17:28 AMP

No more need said! The back half of the verse describes to one that does not consider his or her response. I love the Amplified’s direct description, “the babbling mouth of the wicked.” The word here translated babbling is the Hebrew word meaning to move a large amount of air! In plain terms, words that have no meaning! Could we have a better description of the philosophies of this world? They are all like empty words spoken without any real substance to back them up! The subject of those words are the things that are “malevolent.” Many translations use the word “evil” here to describe the meaning. In the original language we se the word meaning “that which is morally corrupt; Pertaining to that which has an undesirable feature; that which can harm or injure an object.” Sin is a dangerous thing which continually harms and injures an individual. The pathway of sin is destruction and the wicked run to it. The righteous man however considers the ways of God and looks for ways to walk in them! 

Take time today to consider your walk. What road are you traveling? If you were called to account today, are you ready? Are you living to the fullest potential of the mission of God in your life? Something to consider before answering! Have a blessed day, Pastor Ken

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