The Godly Leader

“It is repulsive [to God and man] for kings to behave wickedly, For a throne is established on righteousness (right standing with God).”

Proverbs 16:12 AMP

Today’s verse is a warning to those in leadership especially public office. Solomon knew a thing or two about ruling. His reign was marked by great success and wealth in the physical realm, but it lacked sorely when it came to his spiritual stability. The King is writing to all those who would follow after him to the throne and all of those with authority under himself. Notice that there is a two-way responsibility listed here. First, we see one in authority must be faithful before God. The word translated “repulsive” is the Hebrew word detestable. It means “an object that is loathsome and abhorrent; a thing, way, lifestyle or behavior; a thing to be rejected.” A leader’s first and foremost priority is to be right with God. If the inside is right the outside actions will follow! The action warned against is listed here as “wickedness.” This is the word meaning “evil, injustice, a state of evil, with a focus on the violation of moral and or civil law by evil deeds.” When David was unjustly pursed by King Saul, he responded,

As the proverb of the ancients says, ‘Out of the wicked comes wickedness’; but my hand shall not be against you. 

1 Samuel 24:13 AMP

David did not allow his emotions or anger to guide his actions. In fact, when given the opportunity to kill Saul, he responded, “should I raise my hand against God’s anointed?” You see, David’s main concern was how God was viewing the situation. Jesus spoke about the actions of a wicked heart.

“The good man, from his [inner] good treasure, brings out good things; and the evil man, from his [inner] evil treasure, brings out evil things.”

Matthew 12:35 AMP

Notice that the solution for the leader is to “establish” his leadership on righteousness, right standing with God. The verse uses the word “established.” The word means to “be established; proved, secure, sustained; to authenticate something as valid having legitimate authority with a focus on durability and lastingness.” God’s ways are proven and secure. Jesus pointed this out when He said,

“For I assure you and most solemnly say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke [of the pen] will pass from the Law until all things [which it foreshadows] are accomplished.”

Matthew 5:18 AMP

Many today discount the reality of the Word of God. They consciously reject the way of God to fulfill their own lust for power, wealth, and sordid gain! We see daily the results of governments and those in authority that reject the correct way. Man left to himself will ultimately destroy himself. Thankfully, God is rasing a generation that is saying “enough.” Jesus warned His disciples that were days coming when man would totally reject the ways of God and that they would become the hunted. We are rapidly approaching that place! 

As we see the people of God standing up for righteousness, let us remember that the promise of Jesus to His church is clear; “The gates of hell will not prevail against the church!” That implies that there are days ahead that will require, commitment, sacrifice, and determination. I have previously said that as the days get darker, our light will naturally shine brighter. Are you willing to let your light shine in this darkness, or will you hide it?  The forces of darkness have gathered for battle. Are you prepared to stand with your feet on the Rock and see the Lord win the battle? Have a blessed day! Pastor Ken

5 thoughts on “The Godly Leader

  1. May the Lord have mercy upon us and help us to stay with holiness and pure in hearts utill he came again. Amen. 9

  2. Thank you Pastor likely don’t remember but, we met many years ago at a car wash for a missions trip with pastor Ron J. At the log church, I am still there now, age might know my oldest son, Michael Engel. Take care and Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.. please pray for me to (stay) in God’s perfect will for me and for Restoration…thank you ❤️ God bless

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