Faith Works!

14What is the benefit, my fellow believers, if someone claims to have faith but has no [good] works [as evidence]? Can that [kind of] faith save him? [No, a mere claim of faith is not sufficient–genuine faith produces good works.] Hebrews 2:22 AMP

We find in the book of James a verse that I often misinterpreted to justify a salvation by works. Let’s look at what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell us. The verse reminds us of some very important things regarding our salvation experience. James is specifically discussing a person who claims to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He connects the profession with the mouth with the actions of the hands! The word “says” is the Greek word meaning to “proclaim, enumerate, speak forth, to tell or reveal.” Interesting it is the root word we find in the Gospel of John as it describes Jesus!

“In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and he Word was God Himself.”

John 1:1 AMP

We know that Jesus was the exact representation of who God was and came to reveal that to man.

“God, having spoken to the fathers long ago in [the voices and writings of] the prophets in many separate revelations [each of which set forth a portion of the truth], and in many ways, 2has in these last days spoken [with finality] to us in [the person of One who is by His character and nature] His Son [namely Jesus], whom He appointed heir and lawful owner of all things, through whom also He created the universe [that is, the universe as a space-time-matter continuum]. 3The Son is the radiance and only expression of the glory of [our awesome] God [reflecting God’s [a]Shekinah glory, the Light-being, the brilliant light of the divine], and the exact representation and perfect imprint of His [Father’s] essence, and upholding and maintaining and propelling all things [the entire physical and spiritual universe] by His powerful word [carrying the universe along to its predetermined goal]. When He [Himself and no other] had [by offering Himself on the cross as a sacrifice for sin] accomplished purification from sins and established our freedom from guilt, He sat down [revealing His completed work] at the right hand of the Majesty on high [revealing His Divine authority],”

Hebrews 2:1-3 AMP

Jesus often times reminded the disciples that if they have seen Him, they have seen the Father. You see, Jesus lived His life in perfect reflection of the one whom He came to reveal. That my friends should be the goal of every person who claims to be a born-again believer. The Apostle Paul put it this way,

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life].”

2 Corinthians 5:17 AMP

James is reminding us that if this is true, what sort of people ought we to be? The Apostpe Peter put it this way,

“The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. 10But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will vanish with a [mighty and thunderous] roar, and the [material] elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and the works that are on it will be burned up.”

2 Peter 3:9-10 AMP

Works are a direct result of our changed life. Jesus illustrated it by the parable of the tree.

““Beware of the false prophets, [teachers] who come to you dressed as sheep [appearing gentle and innocent], but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16By their fruit you will recognize them [that is, by their contrived doctrine and self-focus]. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 17Even so, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the unhealthy tree bears bad fruit. 18A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.”

Matthew 7:15-18 AMP

The message of James is clear. If you profess Jesus Christ as Lord then there will be fruit showing of that fact in your life. It isn’t that works save you, works simply prove you are saved! What is your life revealing about you? Have a blessed day, Pastor Ken

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