No Hope? Come to the Cross!

“The spirit of a man can endure his sickness, but who can survive a broken spirit? 

Proverbs 18:14 AMP

Our verse today speaks of the plight of the hopeless. The verse opens with a true statement, “The spirit of a man can endure…” We have seen throughout man’s history of those great and mighty warriors that face insurmountable odds to conquer and overcome great adversities. Financial ruin overcome, cancer defeated, and great loss and grief defeated. The word “endure” is the word meaning to “sustain or control something; A place that is under the domain of comprehension or understanding; to resist another’s course of action or state.” It speaks of a hope born from one’s own ability to overcome. Kittle in his Theological Dictionary of the New Testament describes it this way, “one’s own ability to “give sustenance necessary for physical survival such as food and water and possibly other kinds of needs or comforts.” Man is uniquely designed to be productive and inventive as he was made in the image of his creator! What happens though when all hope fails? Can we sustain ourselves in the barren land when hope seem to have faded away? Of course not! The next part of our verse reminds us that we cannot stand alone.

Many today have reached the place of unending despair. They cannot find a stable place to feet down and experiences life victoriously. I clearly remember the night I cried out to God. “God, Your word says that the blood of the lamb applied to the bondage of my sin will set me free. If that is not true, then I am going to die in my addiction, or someone is going to kill me!” I had tried every which way to get out from under the addiction, but it was a futile effort. I knew that there wasn’t anything left for me but this God who said He could help! I remember the words of a powerful song I once heard, “broken and spilled out, poured at Your feet…” Please take time to listen to this powerful song and let the Holy Spirit minister to you! 

We are all broken but are we willing to be poured out at His feet? This is the importance of the good news of God. It brings hope and life to those who are at the end of their rope! That day, a woman gave everything valuable to her in trust to the Lord. Are we also willing to bring our life to Him and surrender all? Will we allow the stench of death of sin break forth in the sweet fragrance of His love? Remember the words of the Apostle Paul,

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation [from His wrath and punishment] to everyone who believes [in Christ as Savior], to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

Romans 1:16 AMP

Do you know someone today who at the end of their circumstance? Be willing to throw them the rope of hope through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I am going to leave it here as I believe the Holy Spirit will speak to you the rest! Have a blessed day, Pastor Ken

One thought on “No Hope? Come to the Cross!

  1. Thank you Pastor. Your word today is very inspiring. I have been feeling the despair of the enemies attacks. Your word today revitalized my spirit. When God’s in charge, we win.

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